29 de junho de 2006

Suzanne Valadon

A propósito de Suzanne Valadon, a autora do primeiro quadro da maria (a mulher deitada na cama a fumar).

"She modeled for artists Edgar Degas, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, and she had affairs with all of them. A smitten Satie proposed marriage after their first intimate night."

E alguém contou isto:

"after Maurice was born illegitimately to Suzanne Valadon, she went to Renoir, for whom she had modeled nine months previously. Renoir looked at the baby and said, 'He can't be mine, the color is terrible!' Next she went to Degas, for whom she had also modeled. He said, 'He can't be mine, the form is terrible!' At a cafe, Valadon saw an artist she knew named [Miguel] Utrillo, to whom she spilled her woes. The man told her to call the baby Utrillo: 'I would be glad to put my name to the work of either Renoir or Degas"

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